Saturday, December 10, 2022

Top 10 Evil Experiments That Took Place In Texas

Top 10 Evil Experiments That Took Place In Texas

 There is so much we have learned through  science and medical experiments that  have changed our world and a lot of the  time it's for the better but sometimes  well let's just say some experiments  should have been left to the imagination  welcome back to the most amazing  everybody today I've got a crazy list  for you so buckle up and let's dive into  the top 10 evil experiments that took  place in Texas starting us off at number  10 dog experiments a few years back  Peter released a scathing expose on the  Texas A M University's Laboratories what  was branded as a breeding program turns  out to have been closer to a cruel  experiment under the guise of science it  turns out that they had been actively  lying about their dog breeding program  and were actually using the dogs for  cruel and painful experiments dogs under  their care were deliberately bred to  develop a crippling form of canine  muscular dystrophy that prevented most  of the dogs from walking eating properly  or having any kind of quality of life  from there they would use the dogs in  experiments involving biopsies and these  devices that stretched their muscle  tissue causing them not only incredible  pain during the procedures But  ultimately forcing many of the dogs to  be euthanized due to the toll it put on  their bodies apparently the university  had been doing these kinds of  experiments for nearly 40 years before  Peta was able to put an end to it and  thankfully all of the dogs have now been  rescued and are being sent to new homes  next up at number nine hepatitis in the  1950s one institution ran a very very  dark experiment that I honestly can't  quite believe was able to happen even  that long ago the institution was for  disabled people specifically

 those  deemed to have mental illnesses or  mental disorders at that time and due to  the highly unsanitary conditions of this  institution many contracted hepatitis  you would think that this would maybe  make them go oh maybe we should tidy up  around here protect those that are under  our care but that was not really their  approach instead Dr Saul Krugman  proposed an experiment to try and  develop a vaccine now while I can  appreciate the thought that was behind  his proposition rather than testing on  the already contracted citizens they  actually began purposefully infecting  people with the disease to assist in the  experiment now don't get it twisted  there were many folks against this from  the start but ultimately parents of the  admitted people gave their permission to  infect them and use them in the study so  fourth they went it's kind of crazy to  believe that someone would actually go  along with that but apparently they  didn't seem to care too much about  infecting disabled people with a deadly  disease so there you have it coming in  at number eight project artichoke in the  1950s the CIA ran a series of Mind  Control projects called project  artichoke and their goal was simple but  definitely

 unethical the primary goal  was to see if a person could  involuntarily be made to attempt an act  of assassination so essentially they  were trying to see if they could mind  control someone into killing another  person at first they went about trying  to gain mind control by studying the  test subjects via hypnosis and total  isolation as a means to break down the  subjects but soon they realized  something was missing in came forceding  addictions along with a slew of other  drugs followed by forced withdrawal they  would also use chemicals to incite  Amnesia on the human subjects and those  that got out were left incredibly foggy  and traumatized with little to no  recollection of what they had been  through the study was shut down by the  1960s likely due to the fact that they  were traumatizing and forcing Addiction  on unsuspecting innocent civilians but  it did open the door for more research  around the possibility of mind control  so you never know maybe someday it might  just be possible next up at number seven  the two-headed dog in 1959 Vladimir had  a truly evil Vision his experiments were  among some of the first organ and tissue  transplant research which ultimately  some have argued is obviously very  valuable information but his methods  were certainly unethical and definitely  controversial he started out  transplanting organs by sewing them onto  the outside of animals but ultimately  gained his notoriety for creating a  two-headed dog to make his Frankenstein  dog he removed the head and front legs  of a small dog from the rest of its body  and then transplanted it onto a larger  host dog the dogs actually lived for  four days after the experiment declaring  it seemingly

 successful and they were  able to see and look around during that  time so all in all while it did help  chart the course of modern transplants  it was certainly viewed as a very  controversial study next up at number  six the Milgram experiment named after  the psychologist Stanley Milgram who  spearheaded the experiment this study  began in the summer of 1961 and it  looked at testing the limits of  obedience many academics at the time  wanted to take a look into what was at  the core of an authoritative personality  and how someone could be swayed to  commit something that ultimately they  didn't want to do simply because they  believed they had to a newspaper  advertisement was sent out but the  details were not provided until test  subjects arrived once the study began  the two groups were separated one group  was assigned to be an actor and the  other group was tasked with shocking the  person in the room after they answered a  question wrong what group two didn't  know was that group one was not actually  being shocked just acting as if they  were and as it turns out an incredibly  High proportion of the subjects  continued to shock the group despite  thinking they were hurting them simply  because they felt they had no other  choice and later another scientist  thought the experiment needed to be  amped up as he hypotheized people could  have felt the victim was faking it the  new study included real life dogs as the  subjects being shocked and test subjects  apparently openly wept while still  following orders to shock the dogs  apparently proving that many humans will  follow orders to a fault creepy urban legend

 coming in at  number five radiation after World War II  there were many questions surrounding  radioactive materials and the effects  these could have on humans moving  forward well apparently they decided the  best people to test out this incredibly  harmful and dangerous study on would of  course be pregnant women medical  researchers fed radioactive Edibles in  the form of energy drinks to  829 pregnant women and not only didn't  they tell them what they were giving  them but they straight up lied and said  that it would actually improve the  health of their babies many of the women  in the study became incredibly ill would  get covered in rashes and bruises and  some ultimately ended up developing  cancer but worst of all is that many of  the fetuses were in fact born with  leukemia or other forms of cancer and  the mothers didn't even know that they  had been involved in an experiment in  the first place that was until it was  much too late coming in at number four  the syphilis study back in 1932 the  United States Public Health Service  began to dive into the natural  progression of syphilis if left  untreated and listen like I understand  that these kinds of experiments provide  us with knowledge of how to help protect  people in the future but what I'm saying  is that there are better ways to go  about it in this study 600 poor and  illiterate men of which only 399  previously had syphilis were hired and  none of them were told about what the  experiment was going to be for or that  they had a life-threatening disease in  the first place the 600 men were instead  told that they were actually receiving  free health care meals and burial  insurance in exchange for their  participation what's even more sick is  that even though penicillin was proven  to be an effect of cure in 1947 this  study continued all the way until 1972.  essentially needlessly infecting  hundreds of people and watching them die  of a disease that already had a cure I  mean it's just insane that this went on  for so long and it's definitely

 one of  the most evil experiments to have seen  the light of day coming in at number  three Eugenics prior to World War II  there was actually many places around  the United States that were bro Eugenics  of course this all changed after the  infamous evil experiments performed in  the war but rewind to 1907 and it was  actually widely accepted Across the  Nation firstly sterilization was enacted  as a hypothesis to help reduce crime  rates and stop mental disabilities and  then not long after they began to bring  race in as a factor in the hopes to  improve genetic stock through the  sterilization of unpreferred races  because it is women who give birth they  were often the victims of these  experiments as eugenicists believed it  was the best way to protect and regulate  birth rates and weed out who they didn't  want to be able to reproduce although it  was first overturned in 1921 by 1927 the  Supreme Court actually ruled in favor of  forced sterilization believing it would  create a better Society for us all to  live in I mean it's truly horrid that  this was not only legal but encouraged  by so many coming in at number two a  cure for Insanity 1907 seems to have  been a busy year for evil scientists but  rather than Eugenics this doctor  believed he could actually cure Insanity  Dr Henry cotton was convinced that  internal organs upon developing a Hooked Urban Legend infection were the root cause of mental  disorders so cotton got involved with  the Asylum and got to researching on  what he refers to as patience but really  were victims of his cruel experiments he  believed that by removing the infected  organ he could not only cure his  patients of their disorders but then  step body that organ for further  research and that's all well and fine if  you're dealing with maybe a root canal  but when it comes to vital organs it's  not the same story dubbed surgical  bacteriology the procedures were often  done without the patient's consent and  he would remove teeth tonsils and even  colons and other organs of the leg to  further prove his point he even removed  his own teeth along with his wife and  sons too which I mean if he was trying  to prove a point does that mean he  thought he was insane because why else  would he remove his teeth but in the end  49 of his patients died which he chalked  up to end stage psychosis Texas Urban Legend

 and to this  day the project is viewed as incredibly  cruel last up in our number one spot the  aversion project led by Dr Aubry Levin  this program identified homosexual  soldiers from the Army and subjected  them to horrific medical tortures as a  means to try and change their sexual  orientation now at the time it was  believed that being gay was a a disease  that could be and should be cured and so  the experiment to convert soldiers began  the experiment lasted between 1971 to  1989 and the soldiers were submitted to  extensive electric shock treatment while  being forced to view explicit images of  the same sex trying to cause their brain  to make negative associations with  homosexuality when the subjects didn't  change or at least didn't admit to  changing their sexual orientation they  would force the victims into sex  changing operations making them  effectively straight women in their eyes  reportedly 900 gay men between 16 to 24  were surgically changed into women  against their will and once the  experiment was shut down Levin fled to  Canada and denied ever being a part of  the cruel and evil experiment well there  you have it guys thanks so much for  watching I'm Kennedy and I'll see you  next time  [Music]  thank you

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