Thursday, February 23, 2023

6 Japanese Urban Legends

yokoso peeps it's oz happy halloween and welcome to my halloween video in this video i'll be telling you about six monsters to look out for in japan so awesome this video is brought to you by all my patreon supporters go team awesome before i begin talking about these stories please make sure to subscribe to my channel because i'm almost at 24 000 subscribers also please join my free newsletter i send it out once a month the link is in the information section below if you subscribe to that newsletter you will get videos that are not available on youtube as well as our free articles to read that are about japan both the dark and the bright side of japan now as you know japan is famous for monsters like godzilla or ghosts like the the girl in juwon or sadako in the ring but i'm going to be talking about ancient japanese ghosts from japanese urban legends and folklore there's actually hundreds of these monsters ghosts beasts and mythical creatures but i'm going to be talking about six kuchisaki so the legend of kuchi sake ona actually started an edo period in the 17th and 19th century but it became really popular in the 70s in the 1970s these stories of this monster lady hit newspapers and weekly magazines and it was such a cause such a panic in japan at the time that a lot of kids were scared to walk alone to school and back so the pta the parent teacher association had to escort them or accompany them there's different variations of the legend but according to some of the stories i read it starts with a woman who was the wife of a samurai however she cheated on her samurai husband and she was caught being adulterous as a punishment for infidelity her husband the samurai slit her face for her mouth from ear to ear she was shamed and disfigured and when she died her ghost became a vengeful ghost her ghost continued to haunt japan and she would be out and about and she'd be wearing a surgical mask kind of like what all the japanese people were now and the world wears now because of corona she would also carry a large metal object some people say it's a knife other people say it's scissors or skype and usually she'd be walking around the town looking for victims most of whom were children she'd walk up to a victim and she would ask am i beautiful and if the person replied no she would slash them and kill them if they replied yes she would then remove her mask showing her disfigured mouth and open bloody wounds and gashes and all her like nasty teeth then she would ask again am i beautiful and if they answered no she would of course once again slash them and kill them however if you answered yes she would spare your life but she would use her weapon to slit your mouth from ear to ear however there was a way to escape kuchisaki onna legend when she asked am i beautiful instead of saying yes or no if you kind of did something that was kind of like an ambiguous answer she would get confused and that would give you time to run away another version of the story says that instead of answering if you give her caramel candies or throw caramel candies on the floor or money on the floor when she reaches down to pick them up you have a chance to escape either way because kuchi sakiona wore a mask it was hard to tell who she was until it was too late kappa are these weird mythical creatures that live in rivers and ponds across japan they are part amphibian and part human their skin is green and scaly they have webbed feet and arms and they also have a large shell on their back similar to a turtle they also have a dish indentation in their head where they place water this is the source of their power and must remain wet at all times though they're the size of children they're actually powerful much stronger than even men they thrive in the water they're excellent swimmers and for some reason they have three anuses they're known to be weak on land which is why they mostly stay in the river according to japanese legend kappas are actually very intelligent and very mischievous they love eating cucumbers and the innards of humans they do a lot of weird things like sometimes they make loud farting noises in public or they look up girls women's kimonos but other times they hate cows and horses and they usually like attack them so although kappas are are not that dangerous outside of water it's in the water where they're the most dangerous so if you're swimming in the water they will attack you especially children and women they love to attack them and eat them while someone is in the water or while they're swimming they'll come up from underneath and they'll bite your anus and they'll pull you in underwater until you drown and then they will eat your remains but despite being so violent against humans they can also be very loyal and friendly so it's said that if you meet a kappa on land the best thing to do is to greet it and to bow politely as low as possible and because kappas are so honorable and loyal they will bow back and when they bow down the water that's in their dish in their head will fall out and they'll grow weak this gives the humans the upper hand and if you offer them water and you offer to hydrate them again they will forever be loyal to you and japanese people really believe in the kappa so much that even to this day in the summer festivals they offer cucumbers as an act of kindness toward kappa [Music] akka means red and manto means cape so akamanto is a creature that wears a red cape it's actually a male spirit and he wears a mask and apparently he's a very good looking spirit when he was alive he was a good looking guy and he was a serial killer even after his death he continued to be a serial killer and he haunts bathrooms especially women's bathrooms and school bathrooms and he always waits in the last stall so it's recommended to not use the last doll if you don't want to come in contact with akamanto this story was actually quite popular in the 1930s especially with school children so the story goes once you're in the last stall akamanto approaches you and he gives you an option kind of like morpheus in the matrix with the blue pill or the red pill he gives you the option of the blue toilet paper or the red toilet paper if you ask for the red toilet paper he'll take out his knife and he'll slash you to death spraying your blood all over the entire stall however if you choose the blue toilet paper he'll either strangle you to your blue or he'll suck out your blood until you're drained and you're blue now the story says that some people try to trick him and try to use another color like white or yellow or purple or green or something but they say that if you do that he sucks you into the toilet into the into the mouth of hell apparently the only way to really escape him is once again not to answer and just try to get out of stall and escape however it's not a guarantee sometimes he'll block the exit and then you'll be killed anyway unfortunately facing the akamanto usually means death [Music] literally means like a mountain hag or mountain lady old lady so you might be able to spot yamauba at various mountain areas in hokkaido or shizuoka or nagano places like that across japan and the yamauba are old ladies that were originally cast away either they were single and they didn't have a husband or they were widowed or because of financial situations in the past the family couldn't take care of them anymore and they were kind of kicked out of the house and they were forced to live alone and so they made their way up to these mountains and they live alone in these huts and over time they've become monsters they're kind of like these sinister witches who prey on travelers or merchants or passing by their mountain area they usually have like disheveled hair disheveled kimono really wrinkled skin and a lot of them even have fangs and horns so what they'll do is when you're passing by they'll be nice to you they'll invite you in for dinner or if it's getting late at night they'll offer you shelter but eventually they'll attack you they'll poison you and they'll attempt to eat you there's no real method to really escape them except just by luck so people who escaped the survivors escaped have spread stories about the yamaouba even to this day a lot of parents when their kids are being disobedient will say go to sleep or you better not be a bad boy or a bad girl otherwise we'll send you to the yamauba out of all the creatures that i heard about this one seems to be the weirdest literally means ass eye and basically it's like a man-shaped creature without a face who has a giant yellow like shining eye that is in his anus so shirime is like i said has no face but has like a man like body and wears a kimono and kind of just waits around town for his victims they make strange noises and try to get someone's attention and once they can get someone's attention and they stop they suddenly rip off their kimono they're naked underneath then they bend over and they stretch out their anus and just show that person their giant yellow eye they don't attack they don't say anything and really there's no real reason why they do that except for the shock value i guess they're like today's versions of perverts who just go up to people on the street and then just flash them no one knows their real reason or origin or anything about them or why they have an eye in their anus of the toilet so similar to acamanto hanako also haunts the toilets specifically the girls toilets in schools this legend actually began in the 1950s after the war and they said that hanako was actually a little girl who died while she was hiding during a world war ii raid other people say that she was killed by either her family or somebody in a toilet which is why she haunts the toilet she's a young girl probably of elementary school age she has like a bobbed haircut and she wears a red dress or red skirt the difference between akamanto and her is where akamanto is waiting for victims hanako only comes when she's summoned to summon hanako you go to the girl's bathroom and you go to the third stall and you knock three times and then you ask are you there hanako-san if she's there she'll reply and you'll see a bloody hand come out and pull you into the toilet pulling you into the toilet will bring you into the mouth of hell there's alternative stories and in some stories when you say are you there she replies and a hand comes out but other times it's her who changed into a three-headed lizard and the lizard swallows you whole so there you go that's just six of the evil creatures or monsters that i found from japanese folklore or urban legends.

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